My first day waking up on the trail! Well it wasn't quite that joyous... Due to my nap in the afternoon yesterday I had a tough time sleeping through the night, which was made worse by the constant call and response of two frogs in the creek. I did manage alright and was up before 7. Took about 40 min to get going partially due to condensation inside my tent. I forgot how cold it would get and didn't put up the inner liner. That won't happen again! It was pretty foggy to start out but I didn't mind as tit keeps the heat in check. Had an 800 ft climb to start the day around Morena Butte and man was that a killer. In a few weeks I'll be able to look back at that one and laugh. It was quite a drastic change between yesterday's terrain; as soon as I crossed the creek the dirt took on a rusty tone and this was mainly shrubs. I dropped down into Lake Morena at the 20 mile mark and 4.6 for the day. I had to get a soon so I walked down to the store and grudgingly bought a cup of ice cream. Cookies & cream. Two scoops, and I mean real scoops. Ya, that was a real hard way to get a spoon haha. Back at the campground I got a hot shower and then got back on the trail. At my first stream crossing I looked on the other side to see three guys just putting their shoes back on. So I quickly looked for a good way across the two foot wide waterway. There were no routes that didn't involve getting my shoes wet, but I was write fortunate that someone had forgotten their sandals the previous day. I grabbed then meaning to give them back if I ever meet the owner, but until then I'll be putting them to good use keeping my shoes dry. On the other side I found out these guys were all friends from vancouver out on the trail for 5 months. Real nice guys and it was god to have company for a change. They started the day before me but took a real easy day 2. I was surprised I had caught them already after seeing their footsteps yesterday but the big difference was that they took a late start today which gave me the time to make up some of the miles.
I definitely find it easier to hold a steady pace in a group and being with them helped me push a bit further than planned. We ended the night at Fred Creek, where we built a fire and I had my first hot meal of the trip. So good after a long 17 miles of hiking. We sat up and chatted for a bit before I had to call it a night and I retired to my tent just after 9pm, which truly does seem to be hiker midnight.
hey brian! not sure if you will get this or not.. sounds like things are goin good so far. we are really enjoying the updates from the trail, i'm surprised your phone's battery is keepin up so well. looks like the PCT has some solid 3G! just fyi - wes and karen had baby kate early this morning and all is well. hope to hear from you again soon.